
Having never cultivated a successful longterm romantic relationship of my own, I am ceaselessly impressed by those that do. When they compliment and create together as Cormac and Saramai do then I am impressed doubly so. Complimentary colours threaded though each other in textured and poetic soundscapes. Distant voices echoed through the hearts chambers. Velvet hammers on hollow oak. Ronnie Drew reading Oscar Wilde and Please, Please, Please let me get what I want.

Something poetic can happen when you let the imagination run around the spaces between things. Perlee create those nebulous spaces and something greater than the sum of its parts. Breath it in, let it move through you. Then smile. You’re taken care of. This is true of their music, and of their company. At the end of our shoot I was gifted an impromptu session by the Markethalle. How appropriate that Walther, a passer by with more than a cursory knowledge of Oscar Wilde joined us. The two played and sang for an audience of two. And then how a feeling came over me, something akin to awe, I thought these are life’s most ecstatic moments. Perlee have been creating throughout the Pandemic, their two Eps released this year speak to that. I’ll leave the feels there.

Bandcamp are doing their band camp Friday, waiving their fees, and I wish I had posted this earlier, but you can head over there now and get some sweet Perlee music and merch. Cassette tapes are really cool. Really does benefit the artists.